current volunteer resources

hi, i’m cherie!

I am DIG’s AmeriCorps Volunteer Coordinator , and your main contact for all volunteer-related questions, concerns, and more. If you’re looking for a resource, have a question, or want to share a story or feedback, please use this page or email me at Thank you for all you do to support the mission of DIG!

trainings + events

We’re committed to offering our volunteers a wide variety of trainings and events to enhance your experience with DIG. While most of these trainings and events are optional, some may be required to volunteer for a particular position with us. Use the drop down arrows to read more about our variety of trainings and how to participate!

  • Looking to get involved in a different area of DIG? Ask me about upcoming position-specific trainings! Position-specific trainings are required for each individual position.

    These are open to the general public, so it’s also a great time to get your friends or family members involved!

    Click here for our upcoming calendar of events or email

  • With the support of the First Community Foundation of Pennsylvania, DIG is proud to offer a series of workshops to educate our team on a variety of topics focused on fostering diversity, equity, and inclusion at DIG.

    These workshops are optional for all volunteers.

    Click here to learn more about this initiative and register for upcoming workshops.

  • In partnership with Evangelical Community Hospital, DIG offers occasional trainings to promote personal and public health and safety. These trainings are normally optional and can include topics like Hand Only CPR, Naloxone Administration Training, and Heavy-Lifting Safety.

    Click here for our calendar to view upcoming health and safety trainings.

  • We make an effort to share optional community-hosted events and opportunities that may be related to DIG’s work.

    Click here for our calendar to view upcoming relevant community events.

videos we <3

brene brown on empathy

“What is the best way to ease someone's pain and suffering? In this beautifully animated RSA Short, Dr Brené Brown reminds us that we can only create a genuine empathic connection if we are brave enough to really get in touch with our own fragilities.”

implicit bias matters: thinking under the influence (t.u.i.)

“Learn how and why you can manage implicit bias by catching yourself T.U.I. (Thinking Under the Influence). For more information, visit:”

understanding unconscious bias

By The Royal Society

can these people see what’s wrong with this picture?

Buzzfeed and As/Is

books we <3

articles & assessments we <3

Repair Resources